I've said it once, and I'll say it again: commuting sucks. I mentally kick myself for choosing to live at home my freshman year almost every day of my life. I miss out on loads of events and stuff, and it really hasn't helped my social life at all. That, and waking up two hours before an 8 am class to just make it in time gets reeeaaaaaaaallllly old after a while.
One of the plus sides of living at home, though, would be the beautiful scenery. I love where I grew up at. Horsham is a beautiful town, and a lazy man's paradise. There isn't much to do in walking distance, establishment-wise, but there are loads of adventures to find on your own. I have the fortune of living in a township with a main street type strip, a suburbany area, and even a bit of rural/Boonie-type places to go and see.
Needless to say, this is the last thing I'd expect to see in my town:
"Bambi? Bambi?! OH GOD!"
Meet Street Meat.
Street Meat is different from the other deer corpses you'd see chillin' on the side of the road. See, while those corpses are only around for a few days at the most before being disposed of, Street Meat had a nice extended stay in the area.
I don't have the exact dates of his stay down, but know this: that photo was taken on March 16th, 2010. I'm pretty sure Street Meat was originally killed back when there was still snow on the ground.
This post has been sitting around as a draft since March 16th (I told you I was busy!), but Street Meat was removed and taken to a proper resting place/meat grinding plant (you can never tell, nowadays) a few days after this photo was taken... thus, beating the publication of this post and making me look like a fool.
Still, I don't understand why it would take my township that damn long to get rid of a deer corpse. That thing was lying in a public area, right off of a major road. Even better, that sidewalk that Street Meat was chillin' next to is a major traffic zone for middle school kids on their way to school.
Health hazard, much?
Have some more photos of Street Meat:
RIP, Street Meat. I'll miss you, but I definitely won't miss looking at you.
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